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A Proselytor’s Dream

[…] vivid yellow braid draped casually over his vestments. Then, standing at the altar, he intoned a few English phrases, his head bowed. The congregation murmured its reply. There was no Latin spoken here.  Marsha […]


[…] Duke Rollins (adapting a line from a Tennyson poem everybody had to study in Mrs. Dale’s senior English class) refer to Mary as “the flower in the cranny wall.” The town girls were slower […]


[…] images flashed in my mind of dried-up people, withered like the lawns and gardens in the record- breaking summer drought. My second-grade teacher, Mrs. Chapman, sat in the same chair every day, her once-imposing […]

Sister Dallon Gets Tattooed

Johnny take a walk With your sister the moon Let her pale light in To fill up your room You’ve been living underground Eating from a can You’ve been running away from what you don’t understand  U2, “Mysterious Ways”  Sister Alice Dallon…

Palm Sunday

“We Mormons lack ‘joy in the Lord,’” Bishop Lewis told his counselors and the ward secretary at the start of bishopric meeting on Palm Sunday morning. They listened attentively. “The name of Jesus is the…

Faith, Hope, and Charity

[…] around the women; she kissed the men. She fairly danced from a crushed paper cup to a newspaper in flight.  “Faith without works is dead,” I thought, thinking I would have shared the scripture […]


[…] I refused him on all counts.  After a month, my wife told me she’d heard I was breaking the Word of Wisdom while she was in the temple.  “It’s herbal.”  “That’s not what I […]

Sally Didn’t Sleep Here

[…] the bathroom.  Middlemarch. In school I never had time to read Middlemarch even though I was an English major. Now I run herd on ESL kids from 9 to 4 and our own kids […]


[…] how many miles this place was from a town. He did know it wasn’t a place for breaking into a mindless run, which was what he felt like doing just now.  “So what about […]

The Walker

[…] 60 Strong Draw and bulldoze through the defense and break out into the open for a tie- breaking touchdown and clutch come-from-behind victory at homecoming; first again, we want to be married, fall in […]