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To Be Native American—And Mormon

[…] of his life, I wonder if it was the strenuousness of that struggle to live in both worlds that moved him toward his early death. My parents met when they were students at the […]

Rubik’s Palimpsest: Searching for My Indigeneity

[…] the resurrected God she had grown up worshipping. Previously seeing no place for herself in the modern world, she had planned on finding refuge as a nun, but the promises given to the Lamanites […]

Joseph Smith and the Face of Christ

[…] “In a certain sense, the face is the icon of the body, the place where the inner world of the person becomes manifest. The human face is the subtle yet visual autobiography of each […]

Miracles Upon Miracles for Maher

[…] we drove to Panajachel on Lake Atitlan, which some have called the most beautiful lake in the world, ringed by volcanos and Mayan villages. We thought of taking a boat tour the next day […]

The September Six and the Lost Generation of Mormon Studies

[…] 1990s were halcyon years for Mormons and Mormonism. The Church was the “fastest growing religion in the world”—at least, that’s what we told ourselves, aided by sociologist Rodney Stark’s grandiose projections. Anything that happened […]

creation story

[…] the jewel-toned beetles and cavern cathedrals and the slick blesmols. The translucent jellyfish and the elegant other worldly bats. The velutinous darkness I see when I close my eyes and look out is what […]

The Temple: Historical Origins and Religious Value

[…] Long Road Back” and “Part VI: The Fearful Passage” = The Fall and the Lone and Dreary World  “Part VII: Culmination and Conclusion” (including “Ritual Embraces”; “the temple veils”; and “‘Seeing the god’, the […]