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Ministering Angels: Single Women in Mormon Society

[…] was forced to live with her unmarried brother Millington—an arrangement uncongenial to both of them — until World War II enabled her to find employment in an aircraft plant in Burbank, California. After the […]

There is Work to Do First

[…] is work to do first. The move away from lineage teachings In his 2001 Dialogue article “Mormonism’s Worldwide Aspirations and its Changing Conceptions of Race and Lineage,” sociologist Armand Mauss explored the use of […]

Baptism for the Dead: Comparing RLDS and LDS Perspectives

[…] larger struggle for identity, baptism for the dead merely being the case study. In the years following World War II, as the Reorganization moved increasingly toward ecumenical Christianity, it became obvious that something had […]

The Restoration in British Columbia

[…] of both groups to establish congregations in Canada’s far west and explores why the growth of the Latter-day Saint and Reorganized Latter Day Saint churches in British Columbia became so lopsided after World War II.

In Defense of the Market Place

Professor Clark’s “Art, Religion, and the Market Place” takes us into a very interesting world in which Art and Religion (the good guys) are engaged in a deathly struggle with the Market Place (the […]

The Bible, the Church, and Its Scholars

[…] of this method is most obvious when one reflects on the number of Christian denominations in the world. One reason for this great number, I suggest, is that biblical interpreters using the “proof-text” method […]

No More Sister than St. Nick

[…] the terrestrial kingdom as he had ever been. The boy recited the poem, his preadolescent voice sometimes breaking almost bass, then cracking into boyish alto. Even in his nadir, Vernie thought that, despite the […]