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And Woe Unto Them That Are With Child In Those Days

[…] am, as long as Mormons keep having babies and the rest of the country stops.  “Census Sense,” Newsweek (January 25, 1971), 78. Troubled Mormons have been quick to note the growing number of “anti-explosionists” […]

The 1981 RLDS Hymnal: Songs More Brightly Sung

Dialogue 16.4 (Winter 1983): 33–42
About ten years ago the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints decided that its 1956 hymnal was already becoming out of date. An RLDS Hymnal Committee was commissioned to begin work on a new volume, and the result, Hymns of the Saints, was published in 1981. Hymns of the Saints is more than just a revision or reediting of the 1956 hymnal; out of 501 hymns and responses, more than a third are new to this collection.

Sodom and Gomorrah

Listen to the interview about this piece here. Listen to the audio version of this piece here. A man stands naked on the rubber of a checkout counter’s clnveyer belt, face smeared with something red.…


Mom moved up to Santa Barbara, and Dad started having girlfriends over. Ladyfriends, he called them. When I stayed home sick from school, I saw the ladyfriends leave for work. “How cute. Is this yours?”…


Nathan hears the accusation during bishopric meeting. “Helen Sheeney is convinced,” the bishop says. “She pulled my wife aside after homemaking meeting. Once she started in, it took nearly an hour to calm her down.…

Free Agency and Conformity in Family Life

The scriptures[1] and the teachings of the Church leaders about free agency indicate that man should pursue life according to free choice and on the assumption that he can and should use his intelligence, capabilities,…

Mormons in the Executive Suite

Only in a city can a full cast of characters for the human drama be assembled; hence only in the city is there sufficient diversity and competition to enliven the plot and bring the performers up to the highest pitch…

Mormonism and Required Acceptance

Today the Church finds itself in an environment far different from that of fifty years ago. Gone are the simple orthodoxies of the nineteenth century which included the literal interpretation of the Bible and the…