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No More Sister than St. Nick

[…] learned in speech classes. The first was the rhetorical stance of associating with the audience by implying mutual need. Hence the “we.” The second was using humor to disarm, hence the chuckle.) “We need […]

The Pew

[…] don’t you tell us things like this?”  Why would I tell you, Helen thinks. Who in this world likes to brag about projects that they chaired straight to failure?  *** Twenty-one years after the […]

The Last Code Talker

[…] enough to keep him liquored up for a week. He thought about the day he’d heard the news via the Air-That-Tells-A Story: Imperial Empire of Japan . . . Pearl Harbor .. . Day […]

The Celestial Kingdom

[…] of food in their basements. Julie’s mother, however, refused to “stockpile,” a position she had taken during World War II. The rest of the room was better supplied. Julie’s father owned a lot of […]

The Spirit of ’76

[…] facing out for an unavoidable view.  And so Hewlett reconfigured his dream and learned to appreciate the world of business management. In turn he found a sense of gratification just knowing he could assure […]


[…] play catch. I always want to play. It’s just that—bad day, Andy. I got a little bad news is all.” “I’m sorry, Dad.”  When I got in bed later that night, I found his […]

Coyote Laughter

[…] want. The first time Wayne saw the sea—saw its gray meet the clouded horizon—he realized that the world was vast and he was nothing in it. He felt soothed to sense his own smallness […]

A Good Sign

[…] or something. The truth was I had my second thoughts. I even tried to break the bad news. “Bobbie,” I said real gentle. “Sometimes these things don’t go like they make you think.” But […]


I’m mostly brown. I have brown hair and, in summer, brown skin. It’s not a pretty golden brown like the models in the tanning lotion ads. It’s a kind of ashy, dirty brown. My […]

Requiem in L Minor

[…] which she kept her clipboard and cross word puzzles. “I’m a tough old bird,” she boasted. During World War II, she had worked in the Richmond shipyards, “like Rosie the Riveter,” she said.  Jill […]