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Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

Had Brigham Young adhered to Sam Brannan’s advice and settled in California, San Francisco might have become the Mecca of Mormonism. Young stopped in the Great Salt Lake Valley and San Francisco had to […]

Science and Religion: A Symbiosis

[…] the robes of a penitent criminal before his Inquisitors, pleading for mercy on the grounds of age and infirmity— we have come full circle, to William Jennings Bryan in the dock at the Scopes […]

Digging the Foundation: Making and Reading Mormon Literature

As an epigraph to their anthology A Believing People: Literature of the Latter-day Saints, Richard Cracroft and Neal Lambert quote Orson F. Whitney’s 1888 Contributor essay, “Home Literature”:  We shall yet have Miltons and […]

The LDS Hymnal: Views on Foreign Editions: The French Hymnal

[…] and Luxembourg are now rebuilt and the memory of the American liberation is dimmed. Through the common market, French speaking countries have developed a stronger sense of political, economic and cultural affiliations. Church leaders […]

Riding Herd: A Conversation with Juanita Brooks

[…] past the graveyard and on into the fields and up to the upper field—there was some dry stock in there—but she wasn’t there. Then I saw on the river bed, quite a ways up, […]

Notes and Comments

[…] it. Each had an inordinate preoccupation with the issue of sin. Chesterton may have found the good news of grace in the doctrine of original sin, but this hardly changes the fact that original […]