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[…] through the town square, not anxious now to board the bus with that crush of chattering, weeping humanity. Passing the courthouse, she had come upon the open door of the little chapel, through which […]


[…] once, she seemed like a stranger, a typical Cohab Hollow girl after all, outside the bounds of human sympathy. While I was struggling with these impressions, Miss Jenkins, the teacher, pushed past me, accompanied […]

Apple Indian

[…] manger. A stable. Amidst the fecal stink of animals. Conceived out of wedlock too. If you followed human logic, a bastard—shhh! Tracy! She had tried to edit the thought, but it had given her […]


[…] something intensely sexual about a woman nursing a baby, something that tapped directly into the streams of human being.  “That’s not sexual, Amos. It’s the kind of intimate physical contact people need to grow, […]

Something to Show

[…] and talked to more people than many do in a lifetime. He witnessed the darker side of human nature, but he also saw what the gospel could do for these people. He experienced the […]

The Last Code Talker

[…] Woman. He wondered how they could move so quickly without legs, like a fast horse. Like a human.  At first he was too full of curiosity to be scared. He pressed his hand against […]

Northing by Musket and Sextant

[…] working in orphanages, participating in building projects, and exploring the cork board and plastic neighborhoods affected my humanitarian sensibilities profoundly. While in Ecuador I became aware of the organization “Les Medicins sans Frontieres” and […]

The Spirit of ’76

[…] witty and urbane. After nearly twenty minutes of consideration, he finally wrote: When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one man to dissolve the social bonds that connect holy men […]

Coyote Laughter

[…] be worthy to serve the Lord as Bishop?”  Wayne could think of plenty. Yes, he thought. I’m human. But he tried to lighten the tone and said, “Well, Bob, like I said—I’m over sixty.” […]


[…] Bernie just at this moment—the dark tent, Mitch’s occasional moaning, the vast rocky wilderness outside, indifferent to human plans and human desires. Sometimes Bernie believed God’s emanations filled the entire universe. You couldn’t go […]