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The Poetics of Provincialism: Mormon Regional Fiction

[…] be made subservient to the building up of Zion.” Even though its early practitioners are little read today—Nephi Anderson is the chief exception—the influence of home literature remains strong. It provides the guiding principles […]

The Vocation of David Wright: An Essay in Analytic Biography

[…] Idaho. On both sides of his family David Wright descended from strong Bear Lake Valley Mormon pioneer stock. His mother, Lenore Booth Rich, who still lives in Montpelier, is the great-granddaughter of Charles Coulson […]

Faith and History: The Snell Controversy

[…] Smith proposing that the two of them exchange views in a public forum such as the Deseret News. Elder Smith replied that he would ask the First Presidency’s opinion on the matter. One week […]

The Expansion of Mormonism in the South Pacific

[…] educational traditions have been followed, the graduates of LDS schools have found greater success in the job market.  Island Saints take well to modern buildings and education, but what about basic priesthood responsibilities, such […]

Fawn McKay Brodie: An Oral History Interview

[…] of the problem, of course, is that there is a tradition that they must not meddle in politics. They must be dutiful wives and mothers and they must not speak out. One did speak […]

Light and Dark Thoughts on Death

[…] landed I called the hospital and found that Mother had died the hour before. I reported the news to my family in Delaware, and my husband said that there had been a letter from […]