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Easter Weekend

[…] copying new figures, pursing her lips, returning to the notebooks and then the slips of paper, erasing, writing, always intent. I couldn’t tell what she was doing. I had to stop watching.  Greg and […]

Book Review: Neylan McBaine, Women at Church

[…] in the church. McBaine’s prose is fluid and familiar. But instead of oversimplifying things (as such accessible writing is apt to do), her style more often makes problems seem more pressing even as McBaine […]

Recap of “Of One Body: The State of Mormon Singledom”

[…] is the wrestle of every Sunday. — Photo credits: Marcus Bowers Sharon Harris is an instructor of writing and English literature at Fordham University where she is also pursuing a PhD in early modern […]

Q&A with Quincy D. Newell

[…]  We think of the priesthood as ubiquitous in early Mormonism—it seems like people convert one day and get ordained to the priesthood the next. So for men, the story goes, this new religion is […]

Dialogue Editor Search Announcement

[…] candidates will be experienced authors and editors with a track record of accomplishment. We appreciate a felicitous writing style and honest brokerage of the dialogue between faith and reason. Dialogue has traditionally sought to […]

Topic pages: Politics

  2015: Saskia (Mees) Tielens, “Review: Guilty as Charged? Mormonism in Nazi Germany David Conley Nelson. Moroni and the Swastika: Mormons in Nazi Germany” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol 48 No. 3 (2019): 124–129.…

Religious Extremism and Conspiracy: A Student’s Observation

[…] the most extreme anticommunist organization in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s.8 Following Benson’s government service in 1961, he met the former candy executive and conspiracist extraordinaire Robert Welch—president and founder of […]