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A New Look at Repentance: Guilt: A Psychiatrist’s Viewpoint

[…] other as resource persons without competitive concern. In the enormous middle ground of human experience and relations, mutual respect and cooperation between the psychiatrist and clergyman enlarge the calling of both.  Having outlined an […]

Religion and Morality

[…] character of God and man’s place in the universe. This is illustrated in the Scriptures of the world religions over and over again. In the Tao Teh King, the classic scripture of Taoism, for […]

Spiritual Empiricism

[…] personal, reciprocal relationship between man and an extramundane authority which acts as a counterpoise to theworld’ and its ‘reason.’ ” Such an awareness is not to be acquired by the usual kinds […]

The Poetics of Provincialism: Mormon Regional Fiction

[…] as Saturday’s Warrior and Beyond This Moment. However, home literature has not had the impact on the world that Brother Whitney hoped for. It has not led to the development of “Miltons and Shakespeares […]

Social Science and Religious Beliefs: Some Misconceptions

[…] man’s unconscious, dissected the strange beliefs of tribal societies and examined the religious survivors of a secularized world in search of naturalistic explanations of religious phenomena with the result that the validity of religious […]

A Vision of Words

[…] this objective. When he confronts events of great significance and magnitude—as, for example, the death of a world leader such as President Kennedy—he demands literary expression in order that his insights and feelings can […]

Church Historians I Have Known

[…] think he would have carried on both jobs had it not been for the earlier insult.  When World War I broke out in April 1917, we had a very small professional army in the […]