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A Continuing Dialogue

[…] but who also shared some of my deepest feelings about the life of the spirit in the world, who seemed unafraid to think, to explore, to question—and unembarrassed to fast, to pray, and to […]

Graduate School: A Personal Odyssey

[…] liberalism was responsible for most of America’s domestic and international problems. It was, simply, a different political world. The question was no longer whether to attend a meeting of the Young Democrats (which at […]

Hanging by a Thread: Mormons and Watergate

[…] in a moral universe: “There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated.” God does not decide what is right and good and […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] in Mormon History,” Manuscripts, 26 (Summer 1974), 159- 170. Betenson, Lula Parker. “Butch Cassidy Comes Home,” The American West, 2 (May 1975), 4-11. Bitton, Davis, “The Making of a Community: Blackfoot, Idaho 1878-1910,” Idaho […]

The Role of Music in the Reorganized Church

Sharing the love of music as the common heritage of Mormonism throughout the world, the Reorganization has experienced a steady growth in the use and development of music by its membership. Congregational singing has […]

And We Were Young

[…] found gold on reservation property, we killed more Indians, drew more treaties, and moved the fences. Our world never shrank as small as theirs, or changed so fast. They were only here first, and […]