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Mormonism and Maoism: The Church and People’s China

In a recent address to a Regional Representatives Seminar, President Kimball stated—  We asked last conference for all members to pray with increased sincerity for peace in all nations and especially China, and […]

Harvey Fletcher and Henry Eyring: Men of Faith and Science

[…] first real publicity that I had received. My name ran right along with Professor Millikan’s in the newspaper. I spent considerable time showing these experiments to various VIPs from all over the country.  I […]

The Office of Bishop

[…] family as his stewardship or inheritance. The amount returned to the participant was to be decided by mutual consent. Deadlocked negotiations went to the high council. All instruments of transfer were in the bishop’s […]

The Patriarchal Crisis of 1845

[…] propounded to the congregation, “do you want someone to guard, to guide and lead you through this world into the Kingdom of God, or not? All that want someone to be a guardian, or […]

Ambiguity and the Language of Authority

[…] by Schopenhauer, with his direct arguments; and by Shakespeare and Brahms, with the infinite variety of their worlds.” In other words, in the variety of artistic representation, Borges finds little that resembles the simplistic […]