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Morality on the Campus

Headlines in the newspapers seem to tell us that among the most distressed and confused members of our troubled society are the college students. Re search of my own, reported at a meeting of the…

Mormons in the Secular City: An Introduction

[…] awaiting man’s pedestrian efforts to uncover it. Rather, the meaningful ordering of the world itself is a human enterprise, an undertaking which Man assumes as God’s partner.” “Secular” no longer has unpleasant connotations in […]

Manhattan Faces

If you like fresh air, 25¢ hamburgers, and security, New York may not be the place for you. If you want a Rinso-clean wash you can hang in the backyard, where crickets sound at night, and neighbors who are people much like you, the city probably isn’t your bag.

The Vietnam War Through the Eyes of a Mormon Subculture

[…] The students were well distributed among the various fields of study, with 23 per cent claiming the humanities and fine arts, 24 percent the social sciences, 20 percent the physical and biological sciences, 13 […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] saw a young man who after four years was hit with the irrelevance of his studies to human needs, the hypocritical tinsel of the homecoming. Disillusioned, confused, not a person but a commodity to […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

Are Mormons Christians? The official name of the Church includes the words “Jesus Christ” within it, and we consider Him our Savior. Our scriptures include the Bible, and, as Anthony Hoekema suggests, “Many people have the impression that the Mormon teachings are not basically different from those of historic Christianity.” Yet Dr. Hoekema has decided that “The Christ of Mormonism is not the Christ of Scripture.” The good doctor came to this conclusion by asking—and himself answering—the following ten questions: …

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] plays seems to be entertainment, with far fewer plays achieving the goals of insight and understanding of humanity or intellectual stimulation. Aesthetic expression seems to be adequate but not brilliant, as do the dramatic […]

Literature, Mormon Writers, and the Powers That Be

[…] fatal to society. And the other way round is also true.  R. P. Blackmur, “The Politics of Human Power”  I—A Digression For the better part of a month, I was with a group of […]