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Quintessential Mormonism: Literal-Mindedness as a Way of Life

[…] remission.” Accordingly, the doctrine asserts that those who commit certain grievous sins such as murder and covenant- breaking place themselves beyond the atoning blood of Christ, and their only hope for salvation is to […]

Ambiguity and the Language of Authority

[…] by Schopenhauer, with his direct arguments; and by Shakespeare and Brahms, with the infinite variety of their worlds.” In other words, in the variety of artistic representation, Borges finds little that resembles the simplistic […]

An Eternal Quest: Freedom of the Mind

[…] some topical remarks. Internal headings have also been omitted.  One of the most important things in the world is freedom of the mind; from this all other freedoms spring. Such freedom is necessarily dangerous, […]

Being Mormon: An LDS Response

[…] lifestyles exist. What, then, produces the frequently expressed feeling that as Mormons we are part of a world-wide family whose members be long wherever they might be? Does that comfortable sense of belonging arise […]

Reflections on the Restoration

The world’s living religions began with the lives and teachings of charismatic leaders such as Moses, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muham mad. Each won a following by the force of his character, the witness […]

Penetrating Muddied Waters: Creationism and Evolution | Michael Ruse, Darwinism Defended: A Guide to the Evolution Controversies, Norman D. Newell, Creation and Evolution: Myth or Reality?, Niles Eldredge, The Monkey Business: A Scientist Looks at Evolution, and Philip Kitcher, Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism

[…] age for the earth (generally less than ten thousand years), formation of the fossil record in a single, world-wide flood, unique special creation events for each biblical “kind,” separate ancestry for humans and the other […]

The United Order of Joseph Smith’s Times

[…] (HC 2:433-34). These subgroups were kept insulated from each other (HC 2:287, 324, 335-6, 475). In today’s world where liability-limiting corporations can be formed almost at will, the myriad of general partner/silent partner arrangements […]