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In Defense of the Market Place

Professor Clark’s “Art, Religion, and the Market Place” takes us into a very interesting world in which Art and Religion (the good guys) are engaged in a deathly struggle with the Market Place (the bad…

The Pew

Helen realizes at church Sunday morning that still, after all these years, she does not have fond feelings for the chapel. She doesn’t want to hold on to any grudges against it—she doesn’t take it…

The Charity of Silence

This is the story of my father’s demise. It wanders when I tell it, and I never know when to bring in the polygamy, so I just do and let matters take care of themselves.…

The Nature of Comets

[…] We’ll remove the entire grid and bring it back to the lab. Her leg is the big news: the femur, twisted like a tree split by lightning, growing along a warped track.  We need […]

Living Scriptures

[…] 1820s. So much has changed in Palmyra since then, changes that cause Timothy to remember a Church News article about the most recent renovation of the building: an overhaul of the interior that, by […]

B.H. Roberts as an Historian

[…] Mormon historiography.  It should be acknowledged at the outset that Roberts was far more than an historian. Newspaper editor, mission president, a member of the Church’s First Council of Seventy, politician, chaplain in the […]

What The Church Means To People Like Me

[…] not talking about “good Mormons” and “Jack Mormons,” or about Saints in white hats and pseudo-Saints in black. No, I am talking about two types of involved Church members who are here tonight, each […]

Theology as Poetry

[…] who do not catch the allusion in the next to the last sentence, tefillin are the small black leather boxes worn by devout Jewish men during morning prayers that contain scrolls with inscribed verses […]

A Mormon Studies Blogliography

[…] and perhaps never will be. I hope public discussions about Mormon studies continues, in spite of such black holes. But if you find yourself in one of those off-the-radar conversations, consider bringing the best […]