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The Development of the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony

Dialogue 34.1 (Spring/Summer 2001): 87

However, the temple has maintained its central role in the lives of
Latter-day Saints by being able to create a point of intersection between
human desires for righteousness and the divine willingness to be bound
by covenant. This point has remained constant, even though emphases
in the church have changed over time, also bringing change to the en￾dowment ceremony itself

Joseph Smith’s Interpretation of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon

Dialogue 31.4 (Winter 1999):190–199
It is noteworthy be￾cause, instead of laying out the original historical meaning of Isaiah, it re￾applies the text to the time of Joseph Smith and to the course of Jewish and Christian history up to his time.

Saints, Cities, and Secularism: Religious Attitudes and Behavior of Modern Urban Mormons

This poignant observation by Dale L. Morgan was written even before World War II, and the erstwhile Utah sons and daughters spoken of are themselves now grandparents. Moreover, it is doubtful that anyone any longer has any hopes of closing the “wounds” through which they departed. Indeed, the “wounds” have long since come to be regarded instead as gateways to worldly opportunity. With worldly opportunity has come worldly achievement, which has in turn brought worldly respectability; and respectability is always a problem for a “peculiar people.” 

Among the Mormons: Periodical Articles on Mormons and Mormonism

General Barlow, Phillip L. “On Moonists and Mormonites.” Sunstone 4 (January/February 1979): 37-41. Kenney, Scott. “Mormonism and the Fold.” Sunstone 3 (March/April 1978): 24-25.  Agriculture Bitton, Davis and Linda P. Wilcox. “Pestiferous Ironclads: The Grasshopper…

LDS Approaches to the Holy Bible

Davis Bitton, writing in 1966, noted that “there is no reliable study of Mormon exegesis. .. . I can think of no single area of exploration which promises to be so fruitful in understanding the…

Scientific Foundations of Mormon Theology

A 1974 article published in Science identified the Mormon culture as an unusually productive source of American scientists and scholars, an achievement linked to such distinctive tenets of Mormon theology as rationalism, natural law, and…