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Excommunication and Finding Wholeness

Dialogue 54.1 (Spring 2021): 69–79
Five years after my excommunication, I met and entered into a relationship with the man who is my husband to this day. We became a couple in 1991; we […]

Assuming Power

Dialogue 54.1 (Spring 2021): 53–57
Some feel that “smashing the patriarchy” is the ultimate goal of what they define as “feminism.” That is not my opinion. Each of us—female and male—have power given us to […]

Eve’s Choice

[…] of a sixteen-year reproductive run, our second daughter, baby number five. Figure 2: Our family, Christmas Day, 2021. Photo by Sadie Dolbin Brower, with permission. We stopped in the dark at a playground, and […]

Missing and Restoring Meaning

[…] provided online and on JSTOR. This essay was originally delivered as a Dialogue Fireside on February 21, 2021. T. S. Eliot, “The Dry Salvages,” II, Four Quartets, from T. S. Eliot, Collected Poems, 1909–1962 […]

The September Six and the Lost Generation of Mormon Studies

[…] Pulsipher, Proclaim Peace: The Restoration’s Answer to an Age of Conflict (Provo: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2021), chap. 1. Doctrine and Covenants 121:37–39. Doctrine and Covenants 121:41–42.

No Country for Nostalgia | Todd Robert Petersen, Picnic in the Ruins

[…] these histories of displacement and dispossession. Todd Robert Petersen. Picnic in the Ruins. Berkeley, Calif.: Counterpoint Press, 2021. 336 pp. Paperback: $16.95. ISBN: 9781640093225. Note: The Dialogue Foundation provides the web format of this […]