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Mormonism and White Supremacy As White Mormon Scholarship

[…] who have opinions about (white) Mormon theology, (white) Mormon culture, (white) Mormon people or white American, anti- black supremacy as a concept and sociohistorical practice. This is because of the unconscious ways that her […]

The Last Code Talker

[…] crawling like a giant beetle across the empty valley. He called to his grandfather, who was men ding a bridle in the shadehouse: “Shicheii!”  The old man hobbled out into the summer glare, visoring […]

There is Work to Do First

Introduction I and many Mormons ache to apologize for our 130-year practice of excluding people of Black African ancestry from temple and priesthood participation. We long to apologize for our community’s attempts during and […]

$5 fundraising flurry

windowAs the year comes to a close, Dialogue has fashioned a $5.00 fundraising flurry and invites you to join in. Donating just $5.00 will not only help Dialogue in its quest to continue to be one of the most integral, insightful, and intellectual Mormon journals available, but will also enter you into a drawing for one of four signed copies from these friends of Dialogue (click “Read more” to find out which authors are participating). Drawing will be held January 4th and winners notified soon thereafter.

The Development of the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony

[…] Wise; Director: Wetzel O. Whitaker; Assistant Director: Dave Jacobs, For example, the preacher’s reference to Satan having black skin was omitted in recent years; compare Witte and Fraser c1980, 23 with Sackett 1982, 38. […]