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Church Influence Upon the Family

[…] become a national issue, requiring careful scrutiny of alternatives and possible outcomes. An editorial in The Deseret News has already come out against such income maintenance programs. Such programs may have far-reaching consequences for the […]

Mormon World View and American Culture

[…] at one point (p. 68), they imply a wider meaning of cultural difference as they discuss the worldwide nature of the Church. Dale T. Fletcher has argued for a distinctive artistic expression of Mormonism […]

Shifts in Restoration Thought

Both of the above statements are clearly affirmations of faith, strong declarations of belief in the Restoration movement, each evolving out of presuppositions about the fundamental truth of the message delivered. Each statement, though […]

Rooted in Christian Hope: The Case for Pacifism

[…] of work were prescribed. Some industries were reduced or closed and some artificially fostered. The publication of news was fettered. Streetlights were dimmed. The sacred freedom of drinking was tampered with: licensed hours were […]

Critique of a Limited Geography for Book of Mormon Events

Dialogue 35.3 (Fall 2003):127–168
DURING THE PAST FEW DECADES, a number of LDS scholars have developed various “limited geography” models of where the events of the Book of Mormon occurred. These models contrast with the […]

Mormonism in the Nineteen-Seventies: The Popular Perception

[…] Although all of these charges continued to be circulated in one form or another, in the 1970’s, newspaper and periodical coverage showed a more sophisticated understanding of Mormonism that was often complimentary.  Overall Image […]