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Church and Politics at the IWY Conference

[…] of what was to become one of the hottest political controversies of the year: the Utah Women’s Conference authorized by the National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year and scheduled for June 24-25

Mormon and Queer at the Crossroads

[…] This essay explores conflicting messages within LDS teaching on LGBT rights, when it both opposed same-sex marriage and in the wake of Prop 8 also came out in support of other LGBT rights that […]

Mormon Sexuality and American Culture

In a recent essay on the Mormons, David Brion Davis observed that “their history, in relation to American history, is much like Hamlet’s play-within-the play.” Although analogies have their limitations, this one may prove […]

Bibliography of Leonard James Arrington

[…] Review  PNQ Pacific Northwest Quarterly  PUASAL Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters SUP News Sons of Utah Pioneers News (Salt Lake City) WHR Western Humanities Review  1935  Article:  “Idaho Future […]

From Sacred Grove to Sacral Power Structure

[…] First Counselor Marion G. Romney. Much as a corporate board of directors represents significant minority blocks of stockholders, the appointment of General Authorities to represent significant ethnic populations of the LDS Church has continued […]

“Great Spirit Listen”: The American Indian in Mormon Music

Misconceptions of native Americans began with the misnomer “Indian” based on a navigational error. Mainstream Mormon art, literature, and music, which grants the American Indians a Book of Mormon history and destiny as Lamanites, […]

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