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The Bowhunter

[…] fur. Normally the sun was a nuisance—casting shadows, flashing warning signals off of rings and belt buckles—but today Jack would have welcomed a little color. Red and gold flowers were scattered about, but there […]

Virginia Sorensen: A Saving Remnant

[…] get through graduate school without such an awakening, especially when many of those writers seem so bland today that I wonder along with Sam Taylor “if most of them weren’t mainly victims of bad […]

New Light on Old Egyptiana: Mormon Mummies 1848-71

[…] throw some new light on the history of this Mormon connected Egyptiana since 1848 (the close of the Mormon era in Nauvoo) and to suggest how and where more of these antiquities might be found.

Riding Herd: A Conversation with Juanita Brooks

[…] early recognized my tendency to question, to disagree, to refuse to take many of the Old Test ament stories at face value. I could not admire Jacob’s ethics in stealing his brother’s birthright; I […]

Book Review: Dark Watch and Other Mormon-American Stories, by William Morris

[…] size-medium” src=”×300.jpg” alt=”dark-watch” width=”200″ height=”300″ /> Mormonism from Varied Fictional Perspectives William Morris. Dark Watch and Other Mormon-American Stories. A Motley Vision, 2015. 124 pp. E-book: $2.99. Reviewed by Jonathan Langford Short story collections are […]

How the LDS Church Can Follow Its Prescribed Steps of Repentance to Reduce Its Systemic Racism

[…] Riess, “Forty Years On, Most US Mormons Still Believe the Racist Priesthood/Temple Ban Was God’s Will,” Religion News, June 11, 2018, Howard A. Christy, “Open Hand and Mailed Fist: Mormon-Indian Relations in Utah, […]