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Emma Smith Through Her Writings

[…] Dec. 1839, LDS Archives.  In Preston Nibley, Joseph Smith, The Prophet (Salt Lake City, Utah: The Deseret News Press, 1944), p. 418.  Emma Smith Bidamon to Joseph Smith III, 11 Oct. 1866, RLDS Library-Archives. […]

Speaking Up: Two-Way Communication in the Church

[…] The argument had been festering for months but had suddenly come to a head during a meeting among a few ward and stake leaders between ward conference sessions. I, who had been resustained as […]

Friends of West Africa: An Opportunity for Service

[…] charge the patients for the supplies. The arrival of the shipment was a big event in Ghana. Newspapers carried banner stories and pictures. In Ghanaian currency the wholesale value of the shipment was 2,600,000 […]

Penetrating Muddied Waters: Creationism and Evolution | Michael Ruse, Darwinism Defended: A Guide to the Evolution Controversies, Norman D. Newell, Creation and Evolution: Myth or Reality?, Niles Eldredge, The Monkey Business: A Scientist Looks at Evolution, and Philip Kitcher, Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism

The conflict between creationism and evolution in the past few years has prob ably brought mixed feelings to many Latter day Saints. Although some excellent scholarship has demonstrated that we have little or nothing […]

The United Order of Joseph Smith’s Times

[…] shortcomings, was unsuccessful (JD 2:97, 298; 13:96; 17:59; Allen 1936, 17-19; McConkie 1966, 813; Arrington, May, and Fox 1976, 7). A cursory reading of parts of the Doctrine and Covenants might also support that […]

Eastward to Eden: The Nauvoo Rescue Missions

[…] side of the city’s proposed Main Street. Daniel H. Wells and William Cutler had brought the sobering news into camp just two days before that Nauvoo had been overrun in the skirmish known as […]

The Ambiguous Gift of Obedience

[…] I want to reflect in a personal way on what obedience means to people like me. I am assuming, for the purposes of these remarks, that you are also people like me: that at […]

The Veil

Our f amily had just finished the pre-service reception, and Brother Holbrook, the funeral director, had just closed the doors to the Relief Society room. As Mother’s surviving sisters and their families filed past […]

Monologues and Dialogues: A Personal Perspective

[…] realize how very little I know about him. This has been brought to me by the daily news coming from the far reaches of God’s infinite territory—outer space:  Item: Mysterious arcs, four to seven […]