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Rebaptism: A Manual

[…] sand to sand.  For now you may trust the water’s work,  her leisure, and her healing spray.  Search the long black waves,  watch the clouds against the cliff (like men’s hands). Be washed by […]

Living with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Wife’s Perspective

“Frank, please sit up here,” I pleaded, patting the doctor’s examination table and urging my husband forward. I was trying to be patient. By nature I move fast, and holding myself back to accommodate his slowness…

Science: A Part of or Apart from Mormonism?

[…] Elder Petersen, who wrote the foreword, sniped away at science from time to time through his Church News editorials for the remainder of his life. He particularly objected to efforts to understand the origins […]

“In Jeopardy Every Hour”

When my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Abigail, and I went to the hospital, I left the pie crusts and rolls I had mixed up that morning on the kitchen table along with the dress pattern I had bought for my new niece. It had been months since I had felt this energetic, and so that morning I had begun a few projects while I waited for our sixth child to be born. The telephone awakened me from my after-lunch nap; the pediatrician wanted to see me in his office to discuss Abby’s blood test results. 

Lulu: On the Death of a Sister

[…] you’re late.  Your brother and sisters are out the door.”  Don’t speak Spanish this morning.  Don’t speak English this afternoon.  Hurry to Arizona,  now to California.  How many homes is that? How many trips?  […]

“No More Strangers and Foreigners”

[…] permit all worthy male members to hold the priesthood, and I have seen my church become truly international in its scope. I get the feeling, however, that the younger generations who are now local […]

“I’d Rather Be…”

[…] as Russia itself by President Reagan’s hate and threat rhetoric cast in the bizarre imagery of “ international out laws” and “evil empire.” Instead, most of us were apathetic or positively supportive. (For a […]

Uncle Joseph Smith, 1781-1854: Patriarchal Bridge

[…] have accompanied the initially important office of Presiding Patriarch of the Church.  The 25 May 1854 Deseret News obituary of John Smith makes no mention of his calling as a counselor to the prophet. […]