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Morality or Empathy? A Mormon in the Theater

[…] fit into contemporary theater? Or does he fit? Or should he? These were no mere academic questions for me. I was returning to my career as a professional actor and playwright at a resident […]

No More Sister than St. Nick

[…] here. The new young Bishop Fredning had not asked Vernie to prepare and narrate the Christmas program. For the first time in twenty-seven years, the bishop of the West Bench Ward had not called […]

By the Numbers

[…] between her and her baby. Preeclampsia. Isa turned the word in his mind—an odd word, danger be fore worse danger, hypertension before convulsions and coma. Distracting yourself with semantics, old man?—what Vedi would say […]

Zina’s Version

[…] Lizzy’s back door?  “Come in.”  She didn’t add his name: “Frank.” She didn’t hold the door open for him, but turned and let it shut behind her. By the time he reopened it and […]


[…] bearing the ironically appropriate name of Cohab Hollow—so called because it had served as a hiding place for polygamists from the town of Helaman during “the Raid” by U.S. marshals in the 1880s.  None […]

Long Divisions

[…] is alive, the Colorado, its heavy brown waters pulsing through limestone and sandstone layers gouged out be fore it learned manners from the government and Glen Canyon Dam.  “She don’t give a hot sheep […]

Pancha Loca

[…] goes, ‘She’ll get over it.’ I could’ve killed him.”  Gloria and her three children were in Cali fornia on one of their infrequent visits, minus her husband, who usually had something more important to […]

The Seduction of H. Lyman Winger

[…] was the weather. Monsoon season in the mountains—that late-summer jungle smell and heat. Something. Take this morning for instance. He had arrived forty minutes early for a bishopric meeting he himself had earlier cancelled. […]

Balancing Acts

[…] to test her endurance. Not only did she have to clean the house and do the laundry for Sunday, she also had to bake the refreshments for those who would come to her home […]