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Book Review: Daredevils, by Shawn Vestal

[…] writer of good fiction. If you’re dumb, forget it. You have to hear words in your head— and who doesn’t? But you also have to know how to put them together in a sentence […]

Book Review: Melissa Leilani Larson. Third Wheel: Peculiar Stories of Mormon Women in Love

[…] wp-image-9267 alignright” src=”×300.jpg” alt=”” width=”238″ height=”362″ />Problem Plays that Cultivate Compassion

Melissa Leilani Larson. Third Wheel: Peculiar Stories of Mormon Women in Love. Salt Lake City: BCC Press, 2017. 142 pp. Reviewed by Julie […]

Joseph Smith and the Clash of Sacred Cultures

Routinely, in speech and print, Church authorities and other Mormon commentators align the Mormon present and the Book of Mormon past in the following manner: We possess a unique understanding of the Indians. They […]

Joseph Smith and the Face of Christ

[…] “Everything in the realm of nature and human existence is a sign—a manifestation of God’s divine n ames and attributes. . . . As it is said in the Qur’an, ‘Wherever you turn, there is the Face […]


[…] church member shares his struggles of being in the church while being gay.“Solus,” S-O-L-US-, latin for al one, by an anonymous gay may in the Fall 1976 issue is the first entry on this […]