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Letters to the Editor

Dear Sirs:  Boycotts at BYU have reached our ears here. Consider ing the official and unofficial discrimination at the “Y” in the past it is not unexpected. (Actually one boycott lead er was from a […]

Thoughts of a Mormon Centurion

[…] Kurt Sontheimer, both very influential in Germany today.  Catholic Christians have organized themselves within “Pax Christi,” the worldwide peace effort founded in France in 1944. They participate actively in the peace movement with the […]

The Captivity Narrative on Mormon Trails, 1846-65

[…] and child. Mrs. Cowdy was captured and the others were killed. On 1 October 1856, the Deseret News reported that “Margaretts and Cowdy were on their way back to England by their own counsel,” […]

“Great Spirit Listen”: The American Indian in Mormon Music

[…] poles of definition.  The noble savage is one of many European ideas that attempts to comprehend New World discoveries. The new land seemed virginal, unencumbered by historical burdens and social demands, and offering, in […]

Aunt Betsy

[…] brought it with him.”  “Listen to her,” Eunice said. “She’s completely out of touch with the real world.”  “Let me tell you this, Eunice,” Aunt Betsy said. “The real world ain’t inside a bank.”  […]

Elder Price Superstar

[…] work for that day, it says, that “full of joy and all-the-things-that-matter day.”  It’s the gospel (“good news”) restored indeed. The implicit message is: (1) the Old Testament is now, (2) the New Testament […]