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Some Sentimental Thoughts on Leaving the Fold

[…] heads. I found peace in the cliche that “the church organization is perfect but the leaders are human.” But my stone respect for the Church leadership had developed a hairline crack.  My second struggle […]

Polynesian Origins: More Word on the Mormon Perspective

[…] is no longer considered valid by scientists. Botanical evidence of New World contact generally concerns the supposed human introduction of the American sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), bulrush (Scirpus riparius, commonly known as totara), cotton […]

Brigham as Moses | Eugene England, Brother Brigham

[…] strict toughness and his impatience with weakness and disloyalty . . . never lost the humility and human flexibility he gained there.” By consistently playing up Brigham Young’s humanity, Eugene England helps us to […]

Getting Unmarried in a Married Church

My earliest memory of my Bluebird class in Primary is cross-stitching a sampler: “I will light up my home.” Our teacher admonished us to embroider carefully because we would want our samplers to hang in…

My Personal Rubicon

[…] their own extreme reaction deny. Both sets of needs are essential to women and to the evolving human condition.” I for one am weary of the strife and the exaggerated promises on all sides […]

A Time of Decision

[…] understood his counsel. A society that encourages abortions does tend to lose sight of the value of human life and does begin to feel less responsibility for the conceiving and the bearing of children. […]