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The Church Moves Outside the United States

[…] their own gospel culture, to bring the gospel into every aspect of their lives—music, art, drama, thought, writing. There must be Mexican Saints who write plays and stories with the gospel at their hearts. […]

Among the Mormons: Periodical Articles on Mormons and Mormonism

[…] Indians Adams, Larry LaMar and Others. “Academic Success of American Indian Students at a Large Private University.” College and University 53 (Fall 1977): 100-107. Christy, Howard A. “The Walker War: Defense and Conciliation as […]

Death in Swedenborgian and Mormon Eschatology

Anticipation of a final curtain in the drama of existence, an “end” toward which history moves, has been a critical and persistent concept in Christian thought. Millennial expectations have flourished since the days of the…

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

Only rarely does a piece of writing capture the imagination of both novice and professional alike. Even more infrequently does such a work begin as a Ph.D. dissertation or master’s thesis. Certainly the most […]