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Joseph Smith and the Face of Christ

[…] “In a certain sense, the face is the icon of the body, the place where the inner world of the person becomes manifest. The human face is the subtle yet visual autobiography of each […]


Dialogue 10.2 (Fall 1976, Repr inted Spring/Summer 2001): 67–74
An active church member shares his struggles of being in the church while being gay.“Solus,” S-O-L-US-, latin for alone, by an anonymous gay may in […]

The Mama Dragon Story Project

Dialogue 49.2 (Summer 2016): 61–80
The photographs and essays featured in this issue of Dialogue come from Kimberly Anderson’s Mama Dragon Story Project: A Collection of Portraits and Essays from Mothers Who Love Their […]

The Church’s Use of Secular Arguments

[…] political group National Organization for Marriage—wrote in June 2008 for the Mormon Times section of the Deseret News and published on the section’s website that same-sex marriage decisions in Massachusetts and California “ the […]

Four Reasons for Voting Yes

[…] Doctrine class. I’ve no doubt that there were many wards throughout the country (and perhaps throughout the world) where, for reasons having to do with the beliefs and priorities of local or regional leaders, […]

Assuming Power

Dialogue 54.1 (Spr ing 2021): 53–57
Some feel that “smashing the patriarchy” is the ultimate goal of what they define as “feminism.” That is not my opinion. Each of us—female and male—have power given us […]