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Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

Only rarely does a piece of writing capture the imagination of both novice and professional alike. Even more infrequently does such a work begin as a Ph.D. dissertation or master’s thesis. Certainly the most […]

The Odyssey of Sonia Johnson

[…] wards and branches they visited. Sonia trained the children intensively in English, especially in poetry and essay writing. Rick taught them math, and Sonia read to them every morning from the Book of Mormon […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

The vast majority of the books considered in the accompanying compilation are of a biographical, fictional, doctrinal or inspirational nature. While the biographies and works on local history are generally intended for a rather limited…

Each Sect the Sect to End All Sects

It is not only refreshing in itself but also an occasion for rejoicing by all serious students of American religious history that Mario S. De Pillis is recalling our attention to the historical study of…

Letters to the Editor

[…] Persons with desired information (and any and all replies will be greatly valued) can contact me by writing:  Thor O. Nilsen  1238 Colorado Street  Salt Lake City, Utah 84116  *** Dear Sirs:  “Vardis Fisher […]