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The Mormons and the Ghost Dance

Late in the nineteenth century, thousands of Indians resentful of reservation life gathered in groups to chant and dance themselves into hypnotic trances until they collapsed from exhaustion. Some Plains Indians, while shuffling steps to…

Speaking Up: Two-Way Communication in the Church

[…] respect for his temper as well as his throwing arm. I also realized that stake presidents are human. Since then, several of my friends and relatives have become stake presidents and General Authorities, men […]

The Godmakers Examined

[…] the film, our first speaker will be Sharon Lee Swenson. Sharon is currently director of the Utah Humanities Resource Center and an exhibition coordinator of the Utah Media Center. She also does film reviews […]

Depression in Mormon Women

Depression is a common problem in Western societies; various studies have reported that between 3.2 and 9.3 percent of the population suffers from clinical depression. Women seem to be at least two times more likely…

Serving or Converting? A Panel: Person-to-Person Service

[…] labor given for the benefit of others. A cynic always lurks, eager to point out that all human behavior is motivated by self-interest. In truth, most behavior is multi-motivated and thus very complex. It […]

The Nursing Home

[…] the inside of a rest home, except for a quick holiday visit, miss an important part of human experience — even a sublime part. Amid physical and mental deterioration, pain and loneliness, the elderly […]

The Ambiguous Gift of Obedience

[…] the parallels with becoming spiritual adults is inescapable.  From Erik Erikson to Daniel Levinson, psychological models of human develop ment posit that the truly well-integrated and functioning human being is the person who has […]

Notes on Apostolic Succession

The recognition of Brigham Young as leader of the Church in August 1844 and the reorganization of the First Presidency under his direction in December 1847 have provided the basic pattern and precedent for apostolic…

The Binding of Isaac: A View of Jewish Exegesis

[…] is Kiddush ha Shem, the sanctification of the name of God. One may die to save another human being, an act we understand to sanctify the name of God. Saving a Torah scroll from […]

A Celebration of Sisterhood

[…] halls. And keep the talking down!” I am amused and saddened. The women are there to make human connections; learning is icing on the cake.  I dislike classes that run for fifty minutes or […]