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Joseph Fielding Smith: Faithful Historian

[…] Smith Joseph Fielding Smith began his service in the interest of Church history just ten days be fore the death of President Lorenzo Snow. The year was 1902, and though his arrival in the […]

God and Man in History

[…] Can the study of history produce a personal philosophy that will be satisfying—or should one even look for such a philosophy in history? Can one find a basis for value judgements in history? Is […]

Utah’s Peculiar Death Penalty

[…] state” which curves down to Tower 1. After checking in and greeting other officers who were assembling for a roll call of the graveyard shift, I went to work. Every night at midnight I […]

Sources of Mormon Americana in Utah

This paper was written during the summer of 1968 for a course in special problems in the acquisition of materials at the UCLA Graduate School of Library Service. The original paper has been revised […]

Out of Limbo

[…] street to avoid him. Business ventures collapsed; credit ceased. But what hurt most was that a man for whom the Church had been his entire life—he’d been an apostle since the age of twenty-five—now […]

Stress Points in Mormon Family Culture

[…] attention to lasting values and eternal life; its embeddedness and centrality within the religious culture; organized ef forts to stimulate and strengthen the inter-solidarity of family members, such as through the Family Home Evening. […]

September the First, 1969

[…] hardly a growth, but accident, catastrophe,             sudden disease, or mere insufficiency;  the green and brown remain for the most part as they are, and species may leaf, bloom, fruit or fade              at […]

Some Thoughts on a Rational Approach to Mormonism

As an exercise in empathy, it would be well for us Mormons to project ourselves into the thoughts and feelings of those who may be quite different from us. For one thing, our missionary […]