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Peripheral Mormondom: The Frenetic Frontier

A concept called the “center periphery dichotomy” is sometimes used by social scientists to illustrate and analyze regional disparities. Center or core usually refers to those areas so richly endowed in population and resources […]

Personal Conscience and Priesthood Authority

[…] sides on this issue since Joseph offered this sentiment.  Journal of Discourses, Vol. 9, p. 150.  Church News, 24 May 1969. This issue contains the complete text of President Brown’s memorable address.  Quoted from […]

The Office of Bishop

[…] Samuel F. Atwood, 29 Oct. 1870, Brigham Young Letterbooks, Ms., p. 405 ff., Church Archives.  Deseret Evening News, 30 May 1877.  Clark, Messages of the First Presidency, 2:283.  Ibid.  Edward Partridge, Journal, 15 Jan. […]

South of Olympic

[…] approaches Washington, the Latinos alight, leaving only black people (and us) to go on south of Ad ams.  Well, I knew there must be houses for sale in the area where we were looking. […]

The Patriarchal Crisis of 1845

[…] not seem to be fully understood, we thought a little explanation on this point might not be amiss.”If what followed failed in its stated purpose of providing a complete understanding of the office, it […]

The Effect of Mormon Organizational Boundaries on Group Cohesion

[…] 153-55. Aldrich, “Organizational Boundaries,” p. 289.  Membership figures are from 1983 Church Almanac (Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1982), pp. 214-16.  “Wilford Woodruff and the Changing Nature of Mormon Religious Experience,” Church History 45 […]