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That They Might Not Suffer: The Gift of the Atonement

[…] of estrangement haunts modern life and literature and thought. The feeling is not at all new to human experience, but in our time we seem especially conscious of it. More men seem caught up […]

In Defense of the Market Place

[…] the market place is. Professor Clark describes it as excluding the legitimate function of supplying and distributing human needs but extends it to mean materialism and all its various manifestations — from the moneychangers […]

The Church’s Dramatic Literature

[…] According to these standards, a good play should (1) be entertaining; (2) provide insight and understanding of humanity, both local and distant; (3) provide food for thought and a widening of intellectual horizons; (4) […]

Expanding LDS Church Abroad: Old Realities Compounded

[…] War II and stronger than ever was secure in her destiny and dedicated to the spreading of humanitarian virtues, waging worldwide campaigns against the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse—poverty, ignorance, war, disease. President Truman’s […]

Thoughts For the Best, the Worst of Times

[…] injustice, the inequality, the great amount of suffering, and the tragedy of life. I know that our human existence is tenuous, uncertain, and contingent upon forces beyond our control. But human life has always […]

Elohim and Jehovah in Mormonism and the Bible

[…] All the hosts of heaven were subject to him; he was sole creator of heaven, earth, and humans, including the spirit of human beings. No other god directed him in these creative acts (Gen. […]