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Q&A with James Goldberg, Cofounder of Mormon Lit Blitz

The Mormon Lit Blitz contest has tapped into a rich reservoir of Mormon short -short fiction, reaching a milestone this year with the publication of its first anthology. With a 1000word limit, final winners […]

Bode and Iris

[…] the watch pocket of his jeans on that fateful evening. Be it said here, Bode had knock -out good looks—five eleven, neatly trimmed blond hair, a justright nose, a square jaw, muscular arms, and […]

Emily W. Jensen

[…] Consent and moderated the Round￾Table and a podcast about Mormon women’s issues. She has edited various published fiction and non -fiction works and worked on a curriculum committee for the LDS Church official magazines. […]

The Province of the Extreme

[…] 1984 Utah murders of Brenda Wright Lafferty and her daughter, Erica, and the trials of her brothers -inlaw Ron and Dan Lafferty as a framework, Krakauer ranges across many topics in twentysix chapters, including […]

Spring 2011

[…] the printer!  Highlights include poetry by Timothy Liu, a nice fat book review section, Sam Brown’s much -anticipated article on the early Mormon “Chain of Belonging,”  an especially beautiful personal essay by Scott Abbott, […]

MHA Awards Nominations: February 15th Deadline

[…] hard copies of each publication) Michael Hunter 2249 HBLL Brigham Young University Provo, Utah 84602 [email protected] 801 -4224090 _____________________ SmithPettit Best First Book Award $1,200 Awarded for the best first book published on Mormon […]