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Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown

[…] held through Thanksgiving, but next day large feathery flakes began to fall and continued, silent and relentless, for days. When at last they stopped, volunteers turned out to clear the sidewalks, leaving snow banks […]

Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown

[…] Here’s a taste: “Four of my father’s wives lived at Provo during my childhood, a situation particularly fortunate for the swarm of Taylor kids. Santa Claus came twice to us, instead of just the […]

Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown

[…] “When Christmas approaches, our usually sensitive system suddenly suspends the separation of church and state. Ethnocentrism takes over and runs amuck. To protest puts one in the position of Scrooge in the perennial favorite, […]