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Zeal Without Knowledge

In one of his fascinating scientific survey books, this time dealing with the latest discoveries about the brain, Nigel Calder notes, “Two of the most self-evident characteristics of the conscious mind are that […]

From Great Heights

[…] you can ask anyone out. Good-bye, Norman.”  For the rest of the evening, Norman read through a Newsweek article on a shooting at a high school in Maine, but he understood very little of […]

Anti-Intellectualism in Mormon History

[…] shrink or shun the fight?  Thus the song most frequently heard by Mormon young people in the Mutual Improvement Association. In spirit it is close to the time when the Saints, awaiting invasion by […]

The Righteous Road

[…] eco warriors.” The words thrilled us. We must have gotten on some mailing list. The pamphlets and newsletters filled Reed’s mailbox: Animal Liberation Front, Amnesty International, PETA, Earth Liberation Front, Doctors without Borders, the […]

Mexicans, Tourism, and Book of Mormon Geography

Dialogue 50.2 (Summer 2017):55–88
Ma intaining a conviction of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon is no easy task in the era of DNA studies, archaeological excavations, and aggressive attacks by evangelical Protestants. Latter-day […]