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England’s Life of Paradox

[…] of September 11, 2001 are a spectacular reminder that the struggle between religion and politics is a live and well in the twenty-first century. Eugene England’s life, which ended just weeks before those attacks, […]

Reviving Desdemona | Dayna Patterson, O Lady, Speak Again

[…] story: “I chase away my mother’s blue beasts, / concoct a strong spell to keep her from breaking / out of my childhood” (8). In “Ophelia, amphibian,” she reimagines Ophelia’s death as a metamorphosis, […]

Moroni 12

My father has appeared—not in a dre amand shown me where to haul the plates off to, a harder task now that I had the records of Mormon whole and Ether shortened up […]

On Fidelity, Polygamy, and Celestial Marriage

Dialogue 20.4 (Winter 1987): 138–154
Engl and shares his reasons for why Joseph Smith introduced polygamy and then removed it as one of the commandments. England argues that polygamy was a faith testing experience […]

The Grammar of Inequity

[…] (like “husband”) is a role that is automatically created by marriage.  Even more significant in the good news department were the evident, serious, concentrated efforts of the men who spoke to use inclusive language […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] eternal intelligence was organized into ‘intelligences’ . . .” thus denying the eternal individuality of man (Abrah am 3:18, 19) and there by denying his moral responsibility. It is only in the realm of […]