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Speaking Up: Two-Way Communication in the Church

[…] that the voting process in the Church was originally much more open and thoughtful than it is today. I explained that I was really sustaining him more than most members of the stake because […]

Summer 2011

[…] this particular physicality is necessary to our eternal way of being. I also believe that the natural world matters in ways beyond just providing a source of the raw material we need to grind […]

Getting Everything Wrong (Even What He Gets Right)

[…] long piece focusing just on what he gets wrong; Hal Boyd did just that for the Deseret News, and he did a thorough job of it too. Very simply, Lehmann’s reading (assuming he actually […]

Personal Voices: Eyes to See

[…] I could not see. Even now, years later, I do not know how to explain what my world looks like. I see colors, objects, sizes, and everything around me, but my eyes skid off […]