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Imperceptive Hands: Some Recent Mormon Verse

[…] didn’t scold so rough  that we would never dare  go up the trunk again.  And were the world a tree— the men are more important  than the boards  to God, I think.  And so, […]

The Last Days of the Coalville Tabernacle

[…] while!) so little is left, and of which we can never have any more, whatever goodhap the world may attain to.  William Morris, Hopes and Fears for Art (1882)  The last time I saw […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] Lake City: Bookcraft, 1971. $3.50. Baird, Thomas. People Who Pull You Down. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1970. $6.95. The plot involves Mormons and shrines, such as Carthage jail, on the Mormon trail.  […]

Zion Building: Some Further Suggestions

[…] An obvious one is money; we simply cannot do everything we know is needed to rehabilitate the world’s needy. On the other hand, we can and should do more than we are now do […]

A Survey of Women General Board Members

[…] of the state. This corresponds to the geographic information found on the Board mailing lists. For a world-wide Church, such uniformity on the part of its female Boards may appear paradoxical. Responsiveness to the […]

This-Worldly and Other-Worldly Sex: A Response

[…] and a rich family life.  I would have been pleased if Dr. Broderick had developed the this- worldly meaning of sex more fully and had left its other-worldly meaning to the world of possibility. […]

Mormon Americana at the Huntington Library

[…] two known complete files of the Independence edition of The Evening and the Morning Star. Utah era newspapers include substantial files of the Deseret News, The Mountaineer and The Mormon, as well as complete […]

The Little Man Who Isn’t There

[…] I was going up the stair, I met a man who wasn’t there; He wasn’t there again today, I wish, I wish he’d go away.  Mormons might find particular interest in the recent defeat […]

The Witty and Witless Saints of a Nobel Prize Winner

[…] The book has appeared in many languages, among which are all the big languages of the western world, such as English, French, Spanish, and German. Sometimes gently satiric and sometimes ironically owlish in its […]