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Three Essays: A Commentary

[…] throws into sharp relief one of the themes in Edward Geary’s paper—that of the writer who cannot live with the Church but cannot leave it alone either. If I have a fault to find […]

A Tractable Tract | Gladys Clark Farmer, Elders and Sisters

[…] nostalgia—but Gladys Clark Farmer makes it swing open. As a former French missionary myself, I wallowed sh amelessly in the details—the affectionate appellation “Sis,” halfway between nickname and endearment, the French put-offs at the […]

Advice to Book Reviewers

Recently I c ame across a book published in 1927 by Knopf entitled Book Reviewing. In it Wayne Gard writes that a “review must be presented in non-technical, natural language, combining brevity with wit, […]

World-Wide | Spencer J. Palmer, The Expanding Church

[…] dark glasses of cynicism. Rather, he finds beauty and genuine inspiration in life as it is actually lived. Any serious reader will find this powerful, believable and valuable. Palmer’s book accomplishes many things. Of […]

Living with Opposition in All Things

[…] water beating on my back soothes my body and clears my mind so that I can ex amine dilemmas with a lucidity unmatched—except in the sauna. So over the years I have written dozens […]

The Book of Mormon as Faction | Blaine C. Thomsen, The Ammonite

[…] the phenomenal success of his book-turned-TV mini-series, Alex Haley described his work Roots as “faction,” a careful combination of history and fiction. Using what names, dates and places he could find in the records as a skeleton, he proceeded […]

Revelation: The Cohesive Element in International Mormonism

[…] what he thinks is the single “greatest” problem facing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today. “It is rapid growth,” responds President Kimball. “It is very difficult to keep up with the […]

Death in Swedenborgian and Mormon Eschatology

[…] Alma 11:44.  Sermon delivered at the funeral of Ann Tenora and George Callister; published in the Deseret News, 26 (March 21, 1877).  Heaven and Hell: 65. Heaven and Hell: 47.  Doctrine and Covenants 76:103.  […]