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On the Mormon Commitment to Education

[…] divert the river so that it fills in all the crevices where the Ores hide and c overs with a great murky lake the kingdom of Saruman.  Coupled with my own relief at the […]

The Gospel, Mormonism and American Culture

[…] or partisan politics. The gospel allows for neither of these responses, for the Christian’s duty is to counter corruption in all its forms and to avoid neutrality on any moral issue. As Thoreau said, […]

Mormon Sexuality in Cross-cultural Perspective

[…] the United States. Table 1. Percentages Who Approve and Who Have Experienced Premarital Coitus (International Comparisons, 19 68)   Approval Experience   Men Women Men Women Europe (1) Denmark (state U.) 100.0 (1)* 100.0 […]

Illustrated Periodical Images of Mormons, 1850-1860

[…] humorous situation that would be exploited later on.  Most of the illustrations published between 1852 and 185 6 focused on polygamy. Some of them were relatively innocuous. For example, Thomas Butler Gunn, a cartoonist […]

The Spalding Theory Then and Now

Late in the summer of 1833 one Doctor Philastus Hurlbut, recently excommunicated from the Mormon church for “unchristianlike” conduct toward some of the sisters, learned of a manuscript written some twenty years before by […]

Notes and Comments

[…] growth of Mormonism. Mormonism is fundamentalism turned against itself.  I have no desire to contend with Professor Brown over which is the central dogma of traditional Christian orthodoxy. I certainly respect his opinion. He says […]

I, Eye, Aye: A Personal Essay on Personal Essays

[…] the University of Utah, I amused myself by writing feature articles for the Utah Chronicle. They c overed such important topics as my phobias, advice on dating, pseudo surveys. One day, the father of […]

World-Wide | Spencer J. Palmer, The Expanding Church

On first impression, Spencer Palmer’s new book may not appear promising. One wonders silently how even a man of Palmer’s talents could make a coherent whole from twenty-three such diverse chapters. Not only is there […]