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A Personal Commitment to Civil Equality

[…] that regard Edmund Burke once said  All that is required for the triumph of evil in the world is that good men do nothing.  Fundamental to a solution of the whole problem is a change […]

Concern for the Urban Condition

[…] important than was religious belief or membership in the formation of attitudes and behavior toward the secular world. Rural-urban background and general political orientation were especially significant. The chain of causation, however, may not […]

Out of the Best Books

The five volume series in world literature edited for the Relief Society by Professors Bruce B. Clark and Robert K. Thomas of Brigham Young University is a landmark production. Not only does Out of […]

Mr. Lind

Z iner didn’t make Mr. Lind sick, so he’s under no obligation to make him feel better. Whatever small thing he chooses to do is purely out of kindness. Mr. Lind wastes in his […]

The Last Days of the Coalville Tabernacle

[…] The Ogden Standard-Examiner came out editorially in opposition to the demolition. But readers confined to the Deseret News would scarcely have known a controversy existed.)  The first important opposition to the demolition plans came […]

The Church Abroad

[…] which could not even be detected in the picture. Po tentially serious brain damage was averted, and today a bright-eyed teenager enjoys a completely normal life, enriched by a special testimony.  Eventually, permission for […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] But the doctrine of gathering has been suspended and our job now is to live in the world. While we may know well enough who we are in testimony meetings and Ward Council and […]

The Mormon Woman and Priesthood Authority: The Other Voice

[…] testimony that the stated policy or commandment is indeed the word of God.  The frequent passion and mutual intolerance displayed by both liberals and conservatives on this authority question might indicate a degree of […]

The Little Man Who Isn’t There

Mormons might f ind particular interest in the recent defeat by the California legislature of a bill that would have repealed all laws against sexual relationships by consenting adults. Only an impassioned stand by […]