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Two Modes of Political Engagement

[…] another consequence: They reinforce a sense of distinction and separation between the Christian community and the secular world. This attitude, however, leads to a retreat from the world, from political engagement, and from democratic […]

Four Reasons for Voting Yes

[…] Doctrine class. I’ve no doubt that there were many wards throughout the country (and perhaps throughout the world) where, for reasons having to do with the beliefs and priorities of local or regional leaders, […]

A Woman Here

[…] gendered belief systems, that spun out phrases like “girls can’t” and “women should.” I hit a breakthrough— breaking point?—a few years ago when I visited my parents in Florida, where they served an eighteen-month […]

A Superior Alternative

[…] liked the presumptive epidural and intuited that there were better ways to bring my kids into the world. I’ll confess: Polly had me at “hello.” No drugs? Herbal support throughout pregnancy? Fully aware preparation […]

Second Place: Pressed Palms

Listen to the Out Loud Interview about this article here. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. —Romans 12:2 One spring weekend, with a […]