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[…] in the mood for testimonies about the star-spangled banner. Besides that, I was hungry. But when the sacrament was over, I stayed. I thought my motivation was guilt, but now I know it was grace. 

Of Politics and Poplars

[…] towns where it is even against the law to plant a poplar. They grow too tall, tangle overhead wires, have shallow roots, are subject to windfall. Mortal sins, all.  Still, on long drives, my […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] decision in its entirety with Sam Taylor’s essay “The Little Man Who Isn’t There” in Dialogue , 6 (Autumn-Winter, 1971). Here is but an excerpt from the decision.  The Court rightly rejects the notion […]

Beyond Tyranny, Beyond Arrogance

My honeymoon with the Church lasted for five years, between 19 61 when I was converted and 1966 when I went on my mission. During that period, I had had inklings that there was […]

The Divine Feminine in Mormon Art

[…] making snuggling and singing to an infant a divine act. Figure 2: “Heavenly Parents, Heavenly Child,” 1 6″ × 20″, 2019, acrylic and ink, by Amber Eldredge, 2019 Modern Mormons have an affinity for […]

Mormonism and the Possibility of a Materialist Apostasy

[…] Roberts, Outlines of Ecclesiastical History: A Textbook (Salt Lake City: George Q. Cannon & Sons Co., 189 3), 181–83 (citing approvingly the Lutheran historian Johann Lorenz von Mosheim’s critique of early Christianity’s syncretism with […]

Joseph Smith and the Clash of Sacred Cultures

[…] 18.4 (Winter 1984): 65–80
Shortly after the church was organized, one of Joseph Smith’s main priorities during his lifetime was preaching to the Native Americans, who he believed to be the descendants of the Lamanites.