Dialogue Book of Mormon Gospel Study with Blair Hodges on Alma 17–22
Blair Hodges is the public communications specialist for the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship at Brigham Young University.
Dialogue Book of Mormon Gospel Study with Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on Alma 13–16
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich is 300th Anniversary University Professor emerita at Harvard University. She is probably best known for A Midwife’s Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard Based on Her Diary, 1785-1812, which won the Pulitzer…
Dialogue Heritage #6
In the sixth Dialogue Heritage podcast, Editor Taylor Petrey and Art Editor Andi Pitcher Davis consider the editorship of Martha Sonntag Bradley and Allen Dale Roberts: 1991 thru 1994.
Dialogue Book of Mormon Gospel Study with Gregory Prince on Alma 8–12
Greg Prince is the author of numerous award-winning books and articles, most recently Gay Rights and the Mormon Church (2019).
Dialogue Book of Mormon Gospel Study with LaShawn Williams on Alma 5–7
Dr. LaShawn Williams is a lifelong member of the church by way of a Southern, African-American part-member, military family.
Dialogue Book of Mormon Gospel Study with David Gore on Mosiah 29 – Alma 4
David Charles Gore is Professor & Department Head in the Department of Communication at the University of Minnesota Duluth
Dialogue Heritage #5
In the fifth Dialogue Heritage podcast, Editor Taylor Petrey looks at Linda King Newell and Jackson Newell’s editorship and then Kay and Ross Peterson editorship: 1986 thru 1990. Within this span, Dialogue celebrated its 20th…
Dialogue Book of Mormon Gospel Study with Bob Rees on Mosiah 25–28
Bob Rees, former editor of Dialogue, is a Visiting Professor and Director of Mormon Studies at Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.
Dialogue Book of Mormon Gospel Study with Fiona Givens on Mosiah 18–24
We are thrilled to have Fiona Givens teach the next Dialogue Sunday Gospel Study on Mosiah 18-24 from the “Come Follow Me” manual.
Dialogue Book of Mormon Gospel Study with Adam Miller on Mosiah 11–17
We are thrilled to have Adam Miller teach the Dialogue Sunday Gospel Study on Mosiah 11-17 from the “Come Follow Me” manual.