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Dialogue Lectures #19 w/ Craig Harline

The 19th Dialogue podcast features BYU Professor Craig Harline, whose primary field is European religious history.

Dialogue Lectures #18 w/ Adam Miller

The 18th Dialogue podcast features Professor Adam S. Miller who spoke  on his recent book, Letters to a Young Mormon, published by BYU’s Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship at the recent Miller Eccles lecture.

Dialogue Lectures #17 w/ Wes Johnson

As one of the founders of Dialogue, Wes Johnson has a unique view of the journal and what it has been and what it has become. He sits down with Brandt Malone to discuss it’s…

Dialogue Lectures #16 w/ Valerie Hudson

Valerie Hudson headlines the 16th Dialogue podcast in her stop at the Miller Eccles group. There she discusses her new book Sex and World Peace

Dialogue Lectures #15 w/ David Stewart & Matt Martinich

In April, the Miller Eccles group welcomed Dr. David Stewart and Matthew Martinich, authors of a new Church almanac that provides an in-depth look at membership, retention, activity and much more, to speak about the…

Dialogue Lectures #14 w/ Brandon Plewe

Brandon Plewe brings his cartographic expertise to discuss his latest work: Mapping Mormonism: An Atlas of Latter-day Saint History in the 14th Dialogue podcast, recorded live at the Miller Eccles study group in March.

Dialogue Lectures #13 w/ Philip Barlow

Dr. Philip Barlow exclaims “The Joseph Smith in our heads is too small!” in the 13th podcast recorded at the Miller-Eccles Group in February.

Dialogue Lectures #12 w/ David Bokovoy

David Bokovoy discusses various aspects of biblical scholarship in this new Miller-Eccles presentation. As Morris Thurston explains “This timely presentation will be a great way to kick off the year of Old Testament study in…

Dialogue Lectures #11 w/ Robert Kirby

In what is sure to be a popular podcast, Robert Kirby spends an evening at the recent Miller Eccles gathering regaling the audience with amusing story after story–with a delightful dash of unconventional testimony.

Dialogue Lectures #10 w/ Laurie Maffly-Kipp

Laurie Maffly-Kipp recently co-edited Proclamation to the People: Nineteenth-Century Mormonism and the Pacific Basin Frontier with Reid Neilson, a book of essays dealing with this crucial aspect of Church history.