
Dialogue Heritage #11
In our final Dialogue Heritage that looks back into the history of Dialogue, Editor Taylor Petrey brings us from the last five years up to the present.

Dialogue Heritage #10
In the 10th Dialogue Heritage podcast, Editor Taylor Petrey looks at the Dialogue years of 2010-2014 which covered the Mormon (political) Moment, more of Kristine Haglund’s editorship–which inclued some fantastic works on feminism, important interviews,…

Dialogue Heritage #9
In the ninth Dialogue Heritage podcast, Editor Taylor Petrey and Art Editor Andi Pitcher Davis look at the Dialogue years of 2005-2009 which covered the death of President Gordon B. Hinckley, important work on Heavenly…

Dialogue Heritage #8
In the eighth Dialogue Heritage podcast, Editor Taylor Petrey scans the Dialogue years of 2000 thru 2004, the years that include the Eugene England Memorial, the 35th anniversary issue, and important articles on peace, 9-11,…

Dialogue Heritage #7
In the seventh Dialogue Heritage podcast, Editor Taylor Petrey and Art Editor Andi Pitcher Davis consider the Dialogue years of 1995 thru 1999, the years following the September Six and the injunction against symposia. Could…

Dialogue Heritage #6
In the sixth Dialogue Heritage podcast, Editor Taylor Petrey and Art Editor Andi Pitcher Davis consider the editorship of Martha Sonntag Bradley and Allen Dale Roberts: 1991 thru 1994.

Dialogue Heritage #5
In the fifth Dialogue Heritage podcast, Editor Taylor Petrey looks at Linda King Newell and Jackson Newell’s editorship and then Kay and Ross Peterson editorship: 1986 thru 1990. Within this span, Dialogue celebrated its 20th…

Dialogue Heritage #4
In the fourth Dialogue Heritage podcast, Editor Taylor Petrey and Art Editor Andi Pitcher Davis look at the end of Mary Bradford’s editorship and the beginning of Linda King Newell and Jackson Newell, from the…

Dialogue Heritage #3
In the third Dialogue Heritage podcast, Editor Taylor Petrey and Art Editor Andi Pitcher Davis look at the era of Mary Bradford’s editorship, from the late 1970s and early 1980s. One specific article they find…

Dialogue Heritage #2
In this second Dialogue Heritage episode, Editor Taylor Petrey looks at five important conversations in the early 1970s: gender, race, politics and evolution.