In this special episode of Dialogue Gospel Study, we hear from four Dialogue Foundation board members about their thoughts on this week’s Come Follow Me scriptures and more. First we hear from Rebecca de Schweinitz, followed by Benjamin E. Park, Matthew Bowman, and finally Molly Bennion. Originally from Fairbanks, Alaska, Rebecca is an Associate Professor of History and Global Women’s Studies at Brigham Young University where she has taught since 2006. She received her PhD from the University of Virginia, has been a fellow at Yale’s Gilder Lehrman Center, and is the author of IF We Could Change the World: Young People and America’s Long Struggle for Racial Equality (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009). Rebecca’s other publications have explored American slavery, the movement to lower the voting age to 18, Mormon women’s history, and the history of children and youth in the LDS Church. She and her spouse, Peter, have three children. Benjamin E. Park received his PhD in history from the University of Cambridge and is currently an assistant professor of American religious history at Sam Houston State University. His articles have been published in Dialogue, Journal of Mormon History, Early American Studies, Journal of the Early Republic, American Nineteenth Century History, and Church History, and his essays have appeared in Washington Post, Newsweek, Religion & Politics, Talking Points Memo, and Religion Dispatches. His first book was American Nationalisms: Imagining Union in the Age of Revolutions (Cambridge University Press), and has completed his second, Kingdom of Nauvoo: The Rise and Fall of a Religious Empire on the American Frontier (W. W. Norton/Liveright). Matthew Bowman is the Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University, and the author of The Mormon People: The Making of an American Faith (Random House, 2012) and Christian: The Politics of a Word in America (Harvard, 2018). He received his PhD at Georgetown University, and watches a lot of professional basketball. Molly McLellan Bennion is an attorney and investor. She earned her degrees at Smith College and the University of Houston, where she was an editor of the law review, and attended the University of Washington in between. She taught business law at the University of St. Thomas in Houston prior to practicing law, specializing in commercial litigation. Today she manages capital for two family businesses, one engaged in commercial land development and the other in marine engine distributorship including boatyard and repair services. She has served on the BYU Law School Board of Visitors and the Dialogue Board, twice as its Chair. She has published essays inÊDialogue, the anthologyÊWhy I Stay, (ed. by Robert A. Rees), and the upcomingÊThe Mormon World, (ed. by Richard Sherlock and Carl Mosser). Molly and her husband, Roy, live in Seattle. They are parents of four children and grandparents of six.