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In a Better Country

[…] and every one, meticulously monitoring the comings and goings of the human race? Not just in this world but worlds without number? Every fallen follicle accounted for? Or was the monitoring more like wearing […]

Zeal Without Knowledge

In one of his fascinating scientific survey books, this time dealing with the latest discoveries about the brain, Nigel Calder notes, “Two of the most self-evident characteristics of the conscious mind are that 1) […]

Rachel R. Grant: The Continuing Legacy of the Feminine Ideal

[…] Grant Family Correspondence, LDS Church Archives. Another wife complained that the frequently writing Rachel monopolized all the news, ibid.  HJG to Florence , 8 June 1905, LC 39:832; RRG, Thirteenth Ward Relief Society Minutes, […]

LGBTQ Latter-day Saint Theology

[…] opportunities to live by light) are redeemed, resurrected and exalted into kingdoms of glory in a post-mortal world. In this view of mortal life as a testing ground replete with uncertainty and ambiguity, LGBTQ […]

Omissions in the King James New Testament

[…] Texts (as translated in the RSV) Which is come vnto you, as it is in all the world, and bringeth foorth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day yee heard of […]